Have you ever bookmarked a website on your home computer, then needed the website at another location away from home? The podcast, http://coolteachers.org/?p=44 on is about Google Bookmarks. Students are able to begin developing and nurturing a list of resources and keeping it on Google Bookmarks. You are able to create a list and share it with other people. Suggested in the podcast was to do a YouTube search. The following is has the YouTube video to learn to use the Google Bookmark as discussed, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WedMuGnWLQI or go to www.google.com/bookmarks to learn more about Google Bookmarks.
My students are required to do a research project, then present to the class on an aspect of Driver Education that was discussed in class. The purpose of the project is for the student to pick a subject they are interested in, and learn more about it and teach it to the class. If the students found a YouTube video and bookmarked it using the Google Bookmarks, they could share it with me prior to their presentation. I could preview the video to make sure it was appropriate. There are many uses for Google Bookmarks.
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