Monday, December 6, 2010

Web Sites for Education

          As a teacher and a student, I enjoy giving and receiving immediate feedback on assignments or quizzes. is a valuable resource for both teachers and for students.  When you log onto the site, a list down the right side of the page comes up.  There are 15 different pages that can be logged onto.  The one I would like to discuss is the Quiz Star application for teachers.  Quiz Star allows teachers to put quizzes of all types into the program.  Quizzes could consist of multiple-choice, true/false and short answer.  The teacher marks the correct answer while inputting the test questions.  Upon completion of the creation of the quiz, the teacher can assign the quiz to a class or multiple classes.  There is an option to assign a quiz to open on a certain day, and to close on a different day.  The results of the quizzes that are taken are available in a report form.  The teacher assigns a user name and password for students to use.
          For students, Quiz Star is very user-friendly.  The student is given a login name assigned by the teacher with the password.  The student can then go in and will see the assigned quizzes.  Students are also able to review the quizzes to identify what they missed.   

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